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Saturday 7 July 2012

Dangers of Cult Groups Engaging In Politics & Community Services

Al Muqanna symbol as used by freemasons of the Grottoes. Al Muqanna is also an arch enemy of mainstream Islam.

Often have I been explaining about a group or a cult by the name of freemasons. Actually who or what are these group? Why am I always been mentioning it or what is it? Allow me to show you one word and here it is:


What is deviltry?

n. pl. dev·il·tries or dev·il·ries

1. Reckless mischief
2. Extreme cruelty; wickedness
3. Evil magic; witchcraft
4. An act of mischief, cruelty, or witchcraft

So what is is that I am mentioning this word? Ever wondered why do I called the freemason a cult group? Because cult group engage in secret rites and cruelty.

Today I am going to show you a freemason appendant body called the Grottos. The Grottos. What does Grotto teach?

"Masonry proper, is all work… solemn, serious and sublime work… there is not and never should be a line of light and frivolous from the first step as we enter the outer courts, to the last in the Holy of Holies of its mystic temple. Truth, everlasting and unchanging, is the foundation on which it is erected and on this basis its votaries by bonds of brotherhood which are mutually helpful and beneficent.

While it is as Prophets we open the portals of the Enchanted Realm to Master Masons, we are none the less loyal to Masonry. We carry with us the solemn lessons we have learned within the Lodge and we are guided by the precepts of Masonry while we revel in the good cheer of the Prophets.

The Order of Veiled Prophets, while proclaiming the loyalty of its members to Masonry, makes no pretense of being a Masonic Order, nor does it claim to confer a Masonic degree. Its membership is exclusively Masonic and its purpose is to supply the element of play such a way that work and play will be blended without marring the solid beauty of Masonry. The Grotto is said to be essentially Masonic in character.

The requirements for membership in the Order of Veiled Prophets is that a man must first be a Master Mason in good standing, and that he must continue to maintain his good standing in the Blue Lodge in order to retain his standing in the Order. In no way does the Grotto infringe upon the rights and ceremonies of Masonry or of any other Order.

The Grotto leads it votaries through an Enchanted Realm where the spirit of mirth touches the hearts and evolves cheerful companionship, in joy of which they are brought near together in helpful sympathy, which is none the less true because the eye beams with delight and laughter goes with a Prophet’s greeting when hand clasps hand in its mystic fellowship."

Source from the Grottoes themselves:

So aha what again am I refering are the Grottoes using engaging in deviltries?!

What was the organization called originally?Ans: It was called the "Fairchild Deviltry Committee," and at the first meeting it was decided to restrict membership to Master Masons in good standing.

source from the Grottoes themselves again:
Wait! Maybe you guys thought I am running out of topic!

Are the Lodges called "Grottoes"?

Ans: They are, and you should also know that many Grand Masters and Past Grand Masters, Governors of States, Ex-Governors, a Past President of the United States, and numerous civic leaders are Prophets.

Source from the Grottoes themselves again:

Politicians huh?
Anyway the Veiled Prophet the Grottoes refering to are Al-Moqanna a Muslim heretic and sectarianist:

Al-Muqanna‘ (Arabic: المقنع "The Veiled One", died 779 CE) was a Persian prophet who was viewed as a heretic by mainstream Muslims.

Al-Muqanna‘ was an ethnic Persian from Merv named Hashim ibn Hakim, originally a clothes pleater. He became a commander for Abū Muslim of Khorasan. After Abū Muslim's murder, al-Muqanna‘ claimed to be an incarnation of God, a role, he insisted, passed to him from Abū Muslim, who received it via ‘Alī from the Prophet Muhammad.Al-Muqanna‘ was reputed to wear a veil in order to cover up his beauty; however, the Abbasids claimed that he wore it to hide his ugliness, being one-eyed and bald. His followers wore white clothes in opposition to the Abbasids' black. He is reputed to have engaged in magic and quackery to impress his followers as a maker of miracles.

Al-Muqanna‘ was instrumental to the formation of the Khurramiyya, a sect that claimed Abū Muslim to be the Mahdi and denied his death.

When Al-Muqanna‘'s followers started raiding towns and mosques of other Muslims and looting their possessions, the Abbasids sent several commanders to crush the rebellion. Al-Muqanna‘ poisoned himself rather than surrender to the Abbasids, who set fire to his house when he was on the verge of being captured.

After his death, the sect continued to exist until the 12th century, waiting for al-Muqanna‘ to return again.

They are, and you should also know that many Grand Masters and Past Grand Masters, Governors of States, Ex-Governors, a Past President of the United States, and numerous civic leaders are Prophets.

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